Vinod Shares Ltd is member of Multi Commodity Exchange of India Ltd. (MCX), National Commodity & Derivatives Exchange Ltd. (NCDEX) .

The commodities market offers enormous potential to become a separate asset class for retail investors, arbitrageurs and speculators. Trading in commodities is easy to understand as far as fundamentals of demand and supply are concerned. Over the years, the development of commodities trading helped investors hedging their risk, take speculative positions and exploit arbitrage opportunities in the market

The online commodities market plays the role of a mediator between buyers and sellers to arrive at a future price of underlying commodity.This market trades in a wide range of products which include precious metals, base metals, energy, oil seeds and soft commodities in an organized manner under a strong regulatory body

At VSL, we not only have sound global information & knowledge base but also combine this with excellent local knowledge when it comes to commodities.With our extensive nationwide presence and network, our product and market knowledge encompasses diverse commodities and markets. Our specialists are armed with extensive domain knowledge.

We understand the pricing dynamics driving these markets and can help you to design trading and hedging solutions that allow you to achieve your targets.

Our institutional lineage ensures that we always maintain the highest possible form of regulatory, professional and servicing standards in the business.With modern age technology, we provide a user friendly trading platform, along with convenient option of mobile trading.

 Vinod Shares Ltd. is having experience and expertise in dealing with delivery based trading.

With the motive of preserving & facilitating clients to take informed decisions, we strive hard to serve our clients in lines with our group slogan of “your trust is our strength”

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